Autores: Tatiana Almendra Dutra, Leonardo Nelmi Trevisan, Elza Fátima Rosa Veloso, Lucas Santos

Resumo: The implementation of the succession process as a strategy of mapping, development and retention of talent is gaining space in organizations. This article aimed to verify whether organizations have a structured process for retaining professionals identified as potential successors and whether there is differentiation according to the level of maturity of the succession process. A sample of companies seeking to differentiate themselves in terms of people management, consisting of 396 companies, was analyzed. For analysis, the Phi coefficient was used, and the survey results showed that a small number of organizations have a process of retaining professionals identified as potential successors, and that organizations that are more mature with respect to their succession process are more likely to work on retaining their talents in a structured manner, and the aspects that lead to most voluntary dismissals of professionals in the organizations surveyed are linked to compensation, career and development actions.

Palavras-Chave: Succession; Successor; Retention; Succession process; Succession map; Talent.

Ano: 2021

Periódico: RISUS – Revista de Inovação e Sustentabilidade (PUC-SP)

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