Autores: Rodrigo Silva, Joel Dutra, Elza Fátima Rosa Veloso, Leonardo Trevisan

Resumo: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the relationship between leadership and engagement on the individual performance of Millennial generation professionals. A survey was carried out with higher education business school students in Brazil. The sampling procedure involved a convenience selection of Millennial generation professionals who are employed and have recently undergone a performance evaluation process. The professionals answered a questionnaire about their perception of an empowering and directive leader, engagement, human resource practices and performance. The authors demonstrated the potential of leaders to generate engagement and influence performance, showing the need for companies to become involved in the leadership process by defining appropriate leader profiles and establishing clear practices and criteria for their actions with regard to Millennial generation. The potential of empowering leadership to generate engagement, and that of directive leadership to influence performance, show the need for companies to become involved in the leadership process by defining appropriate leader profiles and establishing clear criteria for their actions toward Millennial generation. In Brazil, empowering leaders do not directly influence their subordinates’ performance, unlike what was found in previous studies. Thus, it may be that they also do not perceive, or are not working in, more flexible or participative workplaces, which interferes with the perception of the direct relationship between the leadership’s actions and their personal performance.

Palavras-Chave: engagement, leadership, human resource practices, job performance, millennial generation.

Ano: 2020

Periódico: Management Research

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